Lumen Field

Fundraising & Non profit Organizations

Helping nonprofits meet fundraising goals.

Levy Premium Foodservice Limited Partnership is committed to the greater Seattle Community. We offer nonprofit organizations the opportunity to raise funds by earning a percentage of their concession stands during the events held at the stadium. Events include all Sounders home games, Seahawks home games, and other special events.

Each season, the stadium is staffed with nonprofit organizations to raise funds for their causes. In addition to raising thousands of dollars for their organizations, groups learn to work as a team and operate in a fun environment with knowledgeable crew members.

What You Will Do At The Event
Your group will be the front of house support for food stands and portables throughout Lumen Field. There is no limit to the number of eligible volunteers you can bring or number of events you can volunteer (depending on availability).

Organizational Value
Minimum $170 per volunteer per event or % of net sales in-stand

- Groups must be a non-profit and tax exempt organization
- Groups must be able to commit to at least (3) events during the calendar year
- Volunteers must be at least 18 years old; the majority of volunteers for a given event 21+ years
- Volunteers need to obtain a WA Food Handlers permit (21+ volunteers must also obtain MAST 12 alcohol server's permit

Application Process & Training
Groups will need to submit the following documents:
- Signed Application & Contract
- IRS Determination Letter certifying your nonprofit status
- W-9 Requesting Taxpayer EIN Certification
-Vendor's Insurance: Must meet limits + coverage required by Levy at Lumen Field
- Group leads will be required to pass a background check via Checkr system

Once your non-profit organization/volunteers are onboarded, we will schedule a training to prepare your team to manage a food stand. Trainings are held at Lumen Field.

Get In Contact With Us

Fill out the form below to connect with us about getting involved.